
Drucker Looks Forward to Year Two of Practice of Management Program

After a successful pilot year, the Peter F. Drucker And Masatoshi Ito Graduate School Of Management recently launched its second year of the Practice of Management (POM) program, teaching students critical management skills in an applied, hands-on setting.

Students complete the program over a two-year period: The first year develops students’ skills in communication, critical thinking, complex problem-solving, teamwork, and self-management; the second year places students in hand-picked teams, to work on a challenge of strategic importance, for a firm in the creative industries.

After last year’s successful pilot with a large local biotech firm, the program now consists of a full slate of courses and will feature the official launch of second-year strategic projects for both years. Several firms are being considered for the second-year projects, which will kick off in the spring of 2014.

What else is new to the program this year?

POM has added some new, permanent components to the program: The first-year MBA courses now include intensive assessment and directed coaching in the area of self-development and emotional intelligence. The students work with two coaches, one focusing on their personal growth, the other working more closely with students on team dynamics.

Some of the students involved in the program are also part of a pilot assessment in partnership with CGU’s Division of Behavioral and Organizational Sciences. The comprehensive assessment will measure student’s skill levels when they enter the program and just before they graduate.

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