
Haub’s Family Business and Entrepreneurship Program Recognized by USASBE

St. Joseph’s University’s’ Family Business and Entrepreneurship (FBE) was named one of four national finalists for the United States Association of Small Businesses and Entrepreneurship (USASBE)’s Outstanding Emerging Program award. The Outstanding Emerging Program award recognizes entrepreneurship education programs or institutions that have been introduced within the past three years, and programs that have undergone a major revision during the past three years.

Kenneth Kury, an assistant professor of family business and entrepreneurship at the Haub School of Business, said “The FBE program has experienced tremendous growth in a short time, and this esteemed recognition of our efforts by the USASBE is a great honor.”

The FBE program aims to provide entrepreneurs, Haub students, and family business owners with knowledge that will increase their prosperity, long-term competitiveness, and family unity within a business context. The program is run by the Haub School of Business at St. Joseph’s University. The program combines unique experiential learning opportunities, applied research, and traditional classroom learning. The FBE program was created in Spring 2010, and there are currenty 123 students enrolled in FBE classes for Spring 2014.

Finalists for the Outstanding Emerging Program award are selected based on program quality, innovation, comprehensiveness, and potential viability. The USASBE also considers the impact, sustainability, and depth of support of emerging programs when selecting finalists.

USASBE is not the first organization to honor Haub’s Family Business and Entrepreneurship program. The FBE program’s Social Entrepreneurship course received the Innovation In Teaching Award from the Mid-Atlantic Association of Colleges of Business Administration in Fall 2011.

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