
‘Cultivating the Entrepreneurial Mindset’ Course Now Available at Stanford

A new online class offered by the Stanford Graduate School of Business has been announced. The course, titled Cultivating the Entrepreneurial Mindset, aims to teach students what the best practices of Silicon Valley entrepreneurs and venture capitalists are, while allowing participants to test their own startup ideas.

The class asks students to find the key ingredients that drive success in entrepreneurial organizations and learn how entrepreneurs ultimately capitalize on new ideas and bring them to market. Some other key concepts covered in Cultivating the Entrepreneurial Spirit are:

The class is instructed by Tom Byers, who holds an endowed professorship in entrepreneurship at the Stanford School of Engineering, Byers is the winner of several teaching awards and a founding faculty director of the Stanford Technology Ventures Program—a program that

To get a sense of the course, prospective participants may watch a free webinar video, The Art and Science of Entrepreneurship. If you’re aleady interested, you may apply to the Stanford Innovation and Entrepreneurship Certificate program online.

This new course is one in a series of classes offered as part of the online Stanford Innovation and Entrepreneurship Certificate. You can either take one of the eleven offered classes or earn the professional certificate from Stanford by completing any 8 of 12 courses. Each course costs $995 in tuition.

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