
Kogod Alumni Business Named One of 5000 Fastest Growing Companies

Michael Paradise, MBA ’00, and Craig Bednarovsky, CAS/BA ’91, Kogod School of Business alumni, want to see employees in the position that best suits them. On the flip side, they also want to see employers have the most efficient workforce possible. They also believe that their company Sysazzle provides a solution to that.

Named one of the 5,000 Fastest Growing Companies of 2013 by Inc. Magazine, Sysazzle is a national recruiting and staffing company specializing in the healthcare and IT industries. The company’s number one priority is to focus on customer service.

“Our job is really to help our clients understand what needs they have and to find them the right people to fulfill those needs,” Paradise said.

Paradise founded the company in 2008 and currently serves as CEO. He brought Bednarovsky, a childhood friend, on board as COO in 2013. By putting this extra focus on finding the right fit, Sysazzle has become a trusted partner of both corporate clients and potential candidates, according to Bednarovsky.

“We’re up front and honest, especially when it doesn’t look like everyone is on the same page,” he said. “That’s the only way to foster any relationship and when it comes down to it, that’s what [recruiting] is all about.”

Beyond Sysazzle’s corporate commitments as a recruiting company, Paradise and Bednarovsky are committed to improving the lives of folks from their shared hometown of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania with some employment help as well.

“Our goal is to be helpful, that’s it,” Bednarovsky said. “If more people took the time to just answer questions when they could the impact would be huge and the world would be a different place.”

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