
San Fran State University Student Creates Winning App Concept

Consumers could conserve more water with help from San Francisco State University student Wayman Duong’s award-winning app concept. The app named My Water Use Management, would allow users to set personal water use goals, get notifications and track household use. The app was one of only five projects awarded the top prize at the Utility of Tomorrow Innovation Contest.

For the win, the teammates will have the opportunity to continue developing their app at a weeklong SAP-sponsored workshop in Palo Alto this summer. Duong is a senior in information systems, collaborated with two students from the City University of Beijing, Bik Ying Chin and Chui Kwan Lam.

“Water companies have the data already,” said Duong. “If they deployed an app like this, let customers track their own water use, that would be ideal.”

Though not available for immediate use right now, My Water Use Management could be a valuable tool for utility companies and customers alike as water resources diminish. My Water Use Management would allow people to identify peak hours of water use in order to help to pinpoint leaks and behaviors that could be modified in order to conserve more water.

“Everyone should be watching how much water they use,” said Duong. “I started conserving more last year when I heard that California reservoirs were drying up. For an app, this seemed like the biggest issue we could take on.”

Duong and his teammates created the idea for My Water Use Management app last fall while taking the course Building Mobile Business Applications with Professor Leigh Jin, associate professor of information systems.

“We try to give students the tools to create professional work, and they have proven themselves capable,” said Jin. “SF State is training the next generation of tech innovators, right here at the edge of Silicon Valley.”


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