
DeGroote Launches New EMBA Program in Digital Transformation

Last week, at the Toronto headquarters of theScore Inc., McMaster University’s DeGroote School of Business launched its new Executive MBA in Digital Transformation. The new program will focus on strategic approaches, organizational structures, and sources of value creation from digital innovations in business.

The new EMBA in Digital Transformation is unique and the first EMBA in the world to focus on digital systems and how to use those systems to make data-driven decisions, lead complex and diverse teams in digital environments, and recruit exciting new talent. The new program is made up of four residential modules where students will learn from faculty instructors and industry experts. Experts will include executives from DeGroote School partners such as theScore, CIBC, IBM, and SAS.

Students in the new EMBA program will study core topics such as finance, marketing, and strategy while also taking master-level courses in data science and business analytics. The goal of the program is to help students broaden their technical and managerial knowledge while deepening their strategic thinking skills and leadership capabilities.

John Levy, founder and CEO of theScore, is excited to have his business as a partner of the program. “Companies are being [digitally] disrupted all the time and there is a lack of understanding of how to cope with that,” John said in a recent press release. “We wanted to do something to have an impact on how modern businesses work.” And James Bigg, the manager of communications at theScore, revealed in the same press release, “[the digital world] is moving so fast that if you don’t stay ahead of the game, you’ll be left behind. This program will offer tangible results for organizations.”

The new EMBA program at DeGroote is 13-months in length, and will begin in September 2016. The EMBA places students face to face with their peers in diverse fields, all of whom who are interested in similar ideas and goals. DeGroote will begin accepting applications for their new program on Monday, November 16, 2015. To learn more, head over to the DeGroote website.

About the Author    

Kelly Vo is a writer who specializes in covering MBA programs, digital marketing, and personal development.

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