
Questrom Names 2 To Endowed Chairs

Boston University’s Questrom School of Business recently named two faculty members to endowed chairs.

Shuba Srinivasan has been named the Adele & Norman Barron Professor in Management, according to a press release from the school.

Questrom also reported that Chris Dellarocas has been named the Richard C. Shipley Professor in Management. The new appointments are now among Questrom’s 15 endowed faculty chairs.

Srinivasan is a professor of marketing, an Everett W. Lord Distinguished Faculty Scholar and a member of the University APT Committee. Her research interests span strategic marketing problems, digital marketing and marketing performance metrics, among other topics. Srinivasan’s publications include the Journal of Marketing Research, Marketing Science, Management Science, Journal of Marketing, Harvard Business Review, International Journal of Research in Marketing and Journal of Advertising Research.

She joined Questrom in 2009 after serving as an associate professor at the University of California, Riverside. Srinivasan holds a doctorate in marketing from the University of Texas, Dallas. Dellarocas is a professor of information systems and an Everett Lord Distinguished Faculty Scholar. He also joined Questrom in 2009, and today he directs Boston University’s Digital Learning Initiative.

Dellarocas has researched topics including online reputation systems and online reviews, social media and collective intelligence. He is on the editorial boards of Management Science and Information Systems ResearchHe received a PhD in computer science from MIT, and his previous teaching positions include MIT and the University of Maryland. Dellarocas has also worked as a consultant in the business and government spheres and holds nine patents.

About the Author

Sarah is a staff writer, covering London-area MBA news for MetroMBA.

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