
DeGroote Offers New Program For Small Business Owners

Are you a small business owner? Do you want to be? DeGroote School of Business at McMaster University has a new program just for you. Beyond the Basics for Small Business is a four-session course starting in March 2016. It’s specially designed for family-owned and closely-held companies and helps you get beyond the basics of your B2B or B2C small or medium-sized business.

The program is divided into four topics that take place once a month, in an all-day course on the DeGroote campus. The four themes are:

Interested individuals can register for each course separately, or for a 10% discount, you can register for all four days of the program. Each day includes breakfast, lunch, snacks, and beverages.

Each course is broken up into different types of learning activities including:

The first session on Governance will be held on March 30, 2016. It will focus specifically on governance patterns in closely-held corporations, the rights of minority shareholders, issues in equitability, and more.

The second session, held on April 27, 2016, will focus on Succession Planning. Over the course of the day, participants will learn about preparing a transition plan, communication strategy, ownership succession versus management succession, and much more.

On May 25, 2016, the third session on Risk Management will be held. Students will learn how to protect themselves without sacrificing growth. They’ll also learn how to identify types of risk, establish a risk profile, and more.

The final session about Attracting and Developing Talent will be held on June 29, 2016. This all day session will walk registrants through setting compensation, networking for candidates, retention strategies, and other talent initiatives.

To learn more about the new program and to register early, visit the DeGroote website.

The DeGroote School of Business is home to one of the top MBA programs in Canada and one of the top 100 business programs in the world. MBA candidates can choose between a Full-Time MBA, Part-Time MBA, and Executive Education.

About the Author    

Kelly Vo is a writer who specializes in covering MBA programs, digital marketing, and personal development.

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