
Leavey School Hosts Super Innovation Bowl for STEM Students

MBA students at the Leavey School of Business at Santa Clara University recently partnered with the City of Santa Clara for a unique learning opportunity for the community’s middle schoolers.

The “Super Innovation Bowl” is a celebration of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics education.

With a focus on virtual reality, robotics, augmented reality, and gaming, the exhibit features twelve immersive exhibits and demonstrations from leading companies in these fields, as well as ten ‘innovation stations’.

The event was led by marketing professor Juan Montermoso, who said, “This STEM Innovation Bowl is sure to wow attendees and build momentum for technology as a whole and for this fascinating field of virtual reality… For the City of Santa Clara, it is a chance to draw on the marketing and project management expertise in academia. For the MBA students, it is a special opportunity to contribute their skills while solidifying their mastery of marketing and other business concepts.”

He continued, “For the participating companies, it is a unique and truly visible showcase for their virtual reality offerings.  For the STEM Innovation Bowl attendees, it will be a tremendously positive influence for building interest and understanding of STEM. And, for our South Bay community, it is a clear step from ‘just fun and games for a week’ to a longer-lasting benefit: building a legacy of STEM to inspire creativity in the Silicon Valley today and into the future.”

About the Author

Maggie Boccella, a lifelong resident of Philadelphia, is a freelance writer, artist and photographer. She has consulted on various film and multimedia projects, and she also serves as a juror for the city's annual LGBTQIA Film Festival.

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