
Hofstra’s Entrepreneurial Assistance Program Wins State Award, Offers Workshops

Hofstra University’s Scott Skodnek Business Development Center’s Entrepreneurial Assistance Program (EAP) has received the Statewide Award for Excellence for Outstanding Program Performance, Achievement, and Dedication to the Entrepreneurs of New York State. The EAP has assisted more than 1,200 entrepreneurs with creating and growing a business since 1991. Although the center is partnered with the Zarb School of Business at Hofstra University, the center does not just help members of the Hofstra community: it is open to businesses, community organizations, and public entities in New York City and on Long Island.

The Entrepreneurial Assistance Program is offering a new Fall 2013 program to help local entrepreneurs start and expand their businesses.  The program provides sixty hours of instruction on topics including writing a business and a marketing plan, legal forms involved in starting and running a business, media strategies, pricing and sales, loans and banking, business structure, and recordkeeping.

The Business Development Center has traditionally offered two sessions of the Entrepreneurial Assistance Program workshops a year, one in the spring and one in the fall.The latest program runs from October 7 to December 11, 2013. The program meets on Monday and Wednesday evenings from 6:00-9:00 pm. A $495 fee covers enrollment and the NxLevel curriculum. After completing the program requirements, participants will be given an Entrepreneurship Certificate.

Participants will also leave the program with a business plan. This fall, Capitol One Bank will be sponsoring a Business Plan Competition, and participants in the Fall 2013 EAP program will be able to compete if they complete the program requirements and submit a business plan. The prize money for the competition totals $5000.

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