
Executive MBA Graduates Get Higher Salary According to Survey

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Executive MBAs are the first choice for people who don’t want their education to interrupt the career they’ve already started. With courses spread out over weekends, you can keep your career and become more valuable to your company at the same time. A new survey was just released that quantifies how much more valuable you can become.

According to a new survey from the Executive MBA Council, students in EMBA programs saw a dramatic increase in salary during their education.

“The salary and bonus packages of recent Executive MBA (EMBA) program graduates who participated in the 2014 Executive MBA Council (EMBAC) Student Exit Benchmarking Survey increased by 16.8 percent from program start to program end.

The average salary and bonus package at program start for students in the 2014 survey was $155,848, up from $140,310 in 2013. By the end of the program, the average salary and bonus package rose to $181,965, up from $159,963 in 2013.”

The survey also asked graduates to report their levels of self-satisfaction with the experience. They ranked program quality as a 4.1 on a 5-point scale and their willingness to recommend it  it as a 4.2.

“When I talk with EMBA graduates, they share their stories about how their time in the program helped them grow,” Michael Desiderio, EMBAC’s executive director said. “They gain skills and enhance their leadership abilities in ways that help them add value to their organizations. The return on investment statistics in the EMBAC survey also help show the impact of the degree.”

The survey included 2,323 students from 79 EMBA programs.

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