
Wilfrid Laurier Ranked #1 in Volunteerism by LinkedIn

LinkedIn recently ranked Wilfrid Laurier University number one in volunteerism based on an an analysis of 10 million professionals around the world who added “volunteer and causes” to their LinkedIn profiles. LinkedIn then looked at where these professionals attended university, and Laurier placed first in terms of the proportion of its students and alumni who listed volunteer experience.

The first-place ranking for Laurier is a reflection of its focus on integrated and engaged learning. It’s also a representation of the school’s philosophy, “inspiring lives of leadership and purpose.” Laurier strives to encourage students to measure success not just through academic excellence but also in the lives they lead and those they inspire.

Laurier offers many opportunities for students to volunteer in the community, including fieldwork, placements, practica, co-op and the Community Service-Learning program—which helps more than 1,500 students partner with more than 300 community agencies.

To encourage greater volunteer and community activism efforts, Laurier in 2004 created the Co-Curricular Record (CCR) to help students record their extra-curricular involvements at the end of their studies. The CCR displays each student’s engagement, volunteer and leadership activities as a complement to their academic transcript.

Since the initiation of CCR in 2004, more than 13,000 Laurier students have used it to record their volunteer service. In a press release, Laurier revealed that over the 2013-2014 school year, more than 3,100 students uploaded their activities, groups, clubs, associations, events and programs to the CCR. Students can choose from nearly 350 different volunteer opportunities at Laurier.

Volunteering during your MBA program is an excellent way to enhance your experience and increase your opportunities outside of graduation. If you’re interested in applying to the Wilfrid Laurier University MBA program, the next intake for the full-time program is August 15, 2016, and the international candidate application deadline is January 15, 2016.

About the Author    

Kelly Vo is a writer who specializes in covering MBA programs, digital marketing, and personal development.

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