
Columbia Business School Reveals 2018-19 Essays and Deadlines

Columbia Essays

Right after the eve of graduation, Columbia Business School formally introduced its newest essays and deadline dates for the upcoming 2018-19 academic year.

Columbia Business School MBA Essays (2018-19)

Goal: What is your immediate post-MBA professional goal? (50 characters)

Essay #1: Through your resume and recommendations, we have a clear sense of your professional path to date. What are your career goals over the next 3-5 years and what, in your imagination, would be your long term dream job? (500 words)

Essay #2: How will you take advantage of being “at the very center of business”? CBS urges those undertaking essay number two to watch this video from Dean Glenn Hubbard (250 words).

Essay #3: Please provide an example of a team failure of which you have been a part.  If given a second chance, what would you do differently (250 words)?

Optional Essay:  What else would you like to tell the Columbia admissions committee? You can use this space to provide your explanation if there any areas of concern in your own academic or personal history. This essay does not need to be traditionally formal and can include bullet points (maximum 500 words).

Columbia Business School MBA Deadlines (2018-19)

Early Decision (January) – October 3, 2018

Merit-Based Deadline – January 4, 2019

Final Regular Decision – April 10, 2019

About the Author

Matthew Korman is a writer on MetroMBA. Since graduating from Rowan University with a degree in journalism and political science, Matthew has worked as a music industry writer and promoter, a data analyst, and with numerous academic institutions. His works have appeared in publications such as NPR and Sports Illustrated.

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