
Cranfield Professor Publishes Findings on Promotion of Gender Equality

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A professor at Cranfield University School of Management has compiled guidelines for men in middle management on how to foster gender equity in the workplace.

Professor Elisabeth Kelan, in a report entitled “Men, Middle Managers and Gender Inclusive Leadership,” chose explicitly to address the men—who make up 70 percent of middle managers—in her report. Though geared toward that specific audience, Kelan notes that the guidelines suggested by her research could also be used by current leaders in all levels of workplace structure to help foster gender equality.

The guidelines include encouraging and celebrating women in their accomplishments; challenging practices that prevent or impede the progress of women; supporting gender equality in upper management; and learning to vocally acknowledge biases while promoting women’s visibility.

The research underscores how self-reflection on the part of [often male] middle managers will be an important component of creating an inclusive environment.

Kelan writes, “Women’s underrepresentation in leadership roles in organizations has attracted a lot of attention in recent years. … [Including the perception that women] need to change in order to fit into organizations. This approach, often called ‘fixing the women,’ has been criticized because it leaves systems and structures in org­­­anizations unchallenged. Instead of changing [people], it is organizational practices that need to change… men’s relevance and responsibility for gender change in the workplace is often ignored. How men as middle managers can contribute to gender parity is therefore a greatly neglected topic in practitioner and academic research.”

Gender inclusive middle managers, Kelan concludes, see the value in mentoring and coaching not just the individuals who are like them. Middle managers can conquer this tendency, and they can also seek a diverse group of employees with whom to collaborate, with some simple changes in style and approach.

Professor Kelan directs the Cranfield International Center for Woman Leaders, which assists organizations in developing a strong and diverse group of future leaders.


About the Author

Maggie Boccella, a lifelong resident of Philadelphia, is a freelance writer, artist and photographer. She has consulted on various film and multimedia projects, and she also serves as a juror for the city's annual LGBTQIA Film Festival.

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