
The New Faculty Joining NYU Stern This Fall

Faculty Joining NYU Stern

InSapphoWeTrust / Flickr

Seven new faculty members are joining New York University’s Stern School of Business this coming school year, according to a new press release from the school.

The 2017-18 academic school year will have two new tenure-track professors, two clinical professors, and three visiting professors. The tenure track professors include Joshua Loftus, Assistant Professor of Information, Operations, and Management Sciences, and Walker Hanlon, Assistant Professor of Economics. Clinical Associate Professor of Finance Kathleen DeRose and Clinical Professor of Marketing Paul Hardart join alongside the tenure track professors.

As for visiting professors, they are:

DeRose, a financial technology expert, isn’t exactly new to the school, however, having been an adjunct since last year. Hong is interested in a business’ social responsibility. He’s currently studying how firms can deal with future disruptions. Hanlon will add an interesting variety to the school’s economics lessons. He studies the economy from a historical perspective. He’s currently looking at pollution, too, and its impacts on employment. Hanlon previously taught at Princeton University.

The business school already features a robust roster of faculty. These seven will only add to the school’s respected professors like Jennifer Carpenter and Nouriel Roubini.

About the Author

Lissett Fun is a New York-based reporter covering business and the environment.

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