George Washington University to Host Entrepreneur Networking Event

Aveya Creative, DC’s first branding and marketing agency dedicated serving entrepreneurs, has announced BrandNew ’14—an interactive networking and discussion event that brings new entrepreneurs together with top startup execs, MBA professors and marketing experts—on April 18, 2014 at The George Washington University School of Business.These experts will share what business practices help take small ideas and build them into larger, successful brands. Those attending will learn innovative insights and vital tools that can be used to best market their business ideas, generate online hits—all things that will eventually introducing their business to the masses.
The featured speakers have planned to touch on a number of topics including:
- Mariya Bouraima, Founder, Aveya Creative: “What’s in a Brand? Beyond Logos + Taglines” and “Flash Pitch: Winning Over the 10-second Attention Span”
- Adam Segal, Founder, Cove: “Productivity is Priceless. Define Your Productive: Lessons Learned From One DC Startup”
- Martin Ringelin, Founder, Nvite: “Designing Your Pitch – And, letting it speak for itself”
- Shahab Kaviani, Co-Founder, CofoundersLab: “Finding the Perfect Cofounder for Your Startup”
- Pete Erickson, Founder, Modev: “Make Your Brand a Mobile Maverick”
- Nicole Krug, Founder, Social Light: “Content is King: How to Reign Over Social Media”
- Terrance Green, Founder, Truxton Creative: “Your Message, Your Way: Video Storytelling”
- Tom Novak and Kevin May, Professors of MBA programs, GWSB: “Guerrilla Analytics – (Almost) Free Insights from Social Media”
- Julius Talvik, Co-Founder, Unison: “Ultimate UX = Ultimate Success”
The event takes place on Friday, April 18, 2014 from 11:00am to 3:30pm at GWSB located at 2201 G Street NW, Washington DC 20052. The event is also held in partnership with the GW Graduate Marketing Association and GW Entrepreneurship Club. You can register for the event here.