A Military Officer’s Time on GWBU’s GMBA Program

Martin Nossett, 2nd year George Washington University School of Business Global MBA student, had eleven years of active duty service in the U.S. Coast Guard before signing on for a new tour of duty—his MBA.
“In addition [to my active duty service,” I spent the four-year prior to that as a cadet at a military academy. To sum it up, I was institutionalized,” Nossett said.
According to this prospective MBA, enrolling at GW presented a unique opportunity to build professional knowledge but more importantly to do something “different”.
“For me, the best part of the GMBA program was getting to work with and know a highly diverse group of men and women,” Nossett said. “My classmates came from a variety of countries, had different levels of work experience, and possessed unique skills.”
His peer were productive individuals that had already started and managed non-profits, exposed themselves to the risks of starting entrepreneurial ventures, and worked hard to better themselves and their community— in many ways, they possess the levels of leadership and discipline that are common in the military.
Through the program, Nosset was exposed to numerous perspectives and ideas, challenged to acquire and apply knowledge, and given chances to follow personal interests in clubs, competitions, activities and fostered relationships he’ll hold for life.
“Through it all, my classmates played a large role in my education,” he said. “I look forward to following their careers, hearing about their successes, and maintaining lifelong friendships with these amazing individuals.”
Nossett now serves as a funds manager in the Coast Guard—a job where he is routinely exposed to HR, accounting, audit, business analytics, and budgeting issues. The GMBA program offered him exposure to each of these subjects, allowing Nossett to quickly understand people’s needs, ask appropriate questions and offer solutions or respond as necessary.
“Whether your goal is to increase expertise within a military specialty or to gain new skills and transition to the civilian sector, the MBA programs at GW can prepare you for success,” Nossett said.