George Washington Students Study Abroad in Sweden

Members of the George Washington School of Business faculty led a short-term study abroad program to provide students with dynamic and far-reaching experiences that deepen their understanding about lessons from the classroom. In one new course, “International Perspectives on Green Business,” International Business Professor and Green Marketing expert Anna Helm engaged in consulting projects with Swedish firms in the CleanTech industry.
Throughout the course, the students put their international business skills and new insights about CleanTech to practice. Together, the group developed US market entry plans for Swedish clients Parans, a solar lighting company, and Centriair, a firm specializing in developing and marketing gas treatment for the food processing industry and waste/water/biogas handling.
According to Helm the students, “delivered substantive and actionable recommendations to their clients, applying theories and frameworks from their International Business and other coursework and gleaning important lessons from the many site visits in Sweden in order to optimize the value of their consulting service to the clients.”
In the city of Västerås, they met Vice President and Head of Public Affairs at ABB, Sweden and Northern Europe, Mats Holmberg, and learned about building a successful international business. In Stockholm, they visited the offices of Stockholm Innovation and Growth, KTH’s Student Inc, and the Swedish Institute, and took in Stockholm’s historical sights, including Gamla Stan, the Vasa Museum, the Royal Castle and Armory. The students also had some fun and explored Viking history and culture at Frösåkers Brygga, where they learned about Swedish cuisine with Viking Chieftain and Michelin Chef Jan-Erik Kockum and rowed on nearby Lake Mälaren.