Smith Professor Named Executive Education Specialist of the Year

According to a press release, Gaurav Bhalla, an adjunct professor at the Robert H. Smith School of Business and executive fellow of the Center for Excellence in Service (CES), has been named Executive Education Specialist of the Year by Corporate Vision Magazine.
Each year, Corporate Vision bestows this honor upon an executive education professional “who demonstrates game changing innovation and stellar performance in teaching mid- to upper-level managers.”
Bhalla is a marketing management, innovation and customer experience management instructor, who works with students in the executive and MBA programs. He is also involved with CES-sponsored executive education programs, including the Professional Services Leadership Initiative (PSLI) and SMPS U, the leadership advancement program of the Society for Marketing Professional Service.
According to Smith, Bhalla has more than 35 years of experience as a corporate executive, management consultant and executive trainer. He has worked for Fortune 500 firms across the globe, having spent time working in the North America, South America, Europe, Asia, Australia and South Africa.
According to Corporate Vision, winners are selected by a combination of votes gathered from the media organization’s network of industry partners and in-house research.