Bauer Accounting Student Honored with $10,000 Scholarship

Chris Gervasio, a current student at the University of Houston C.T. Bauer College of Business, was recently recognized as a top future professional in accounting by the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (PCAOB).
The PCAOB is the leading board for accounting oversight in the country. Founded in 2002 by the United States Congress, the organization recognizes and encourages young accounting professionals through scholarships. Gervasio will receive a $10,000 scholarship from the board to continue his schooling.
Recipients are nominated by accredited colleges and universities across the country and are selected based on each their commitment and skill in the field. Chris Gervasio was nominated for the scholarship through the school’s Department of Accountancy & Taxation as an acknowledgement of his academic success and campus involvement. Gervasio, who graduated from Bauer in May with a BBA degree, will be attending the school’s Master of Science in Accountancy (MSACCY) program in the fall.
Gervasio was an engaged and committed student throughout his undergraduate experience, acting as an officer for Beta Alpha Psi, mentor for the Bauer Honors program, accounting tutor and even senator in the Bauer Student Government Association. Gervasio was also a three-time recipient of the accounting department’s Student Leadership Award.
“I have worked hard to stand out among my peers and am grateful for the opportunity to further my education,” Gervasio commented on the honor. “The scholarhsip will help alleviate my financial burden immensely.”
Bauer students interested in furthering their accounting education may choose to enter the MSACCY program, like Gervasio, or pursue an MBA with an Accounting/Finance focus. Many of the same accounting courses available to MSACCY students are open as electives for MBA students to specialize their degree.