Sloan Offers New Health Care Certificate

The Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s Sloan School of Management has launched a new Health Care Certificate to unify several existing activities around health management offered at MIT Sloan. The Health Care Certificate joins Sloan’s Sustainability Certificate to allow students to explore complex societal problems through interdisciplinary learning.
The Healthcare Certificate program is available to the entire population of MIT students, allowing management students to interact with students from the sciences and engineering who share an interest in health care. The certificate program aims to prepare MIT students for a range of career fields, including health care information technology, pharmaceuticals, health care delivery management, senior management in the health care industry, global health, and operations management. The certificate is intended for people who are interested in pursuing a career in the health care system, or for people who already work in health care and want to further develop career knowledge.
The Certificate consists of a set of core courses covering the economics of health care, health care delivery in the United States, and medical science (a class which covers both the science behind certain diseases and conditions and the technology that companies are developing to address health problems), and two electives from a set of options that allow students to customize their certificate based on their interests. Possible electives include Healthcare Ventures, Principles and Practice of Drug Development, Business Model Innovation: Global Health in Frontier Markets, and Innovation Teams.
The program requires that students enroll in an action learning lab. One potential action learning lab for business students is the H Lab, which allows students to work in teams with health care organizations on health care related projects.