Penn State’s Smeal EMBA Program Partners with THON

Students at Penn State’s Smeal EMBA program raised over $5,000 this year to benefit the Penn State IFC/Panhellenic Dance Marathon, better known as THON. This year, the two-day dance marathon—the single largest student-led philanthropic event in the world—raised over $12 million for the Four Diamond’s Fund at the Hershey Medical Center, which is devoted to treating and seeking cures for pediatric cancer.
The Smeal EMBAs solicited donations through a silent auction held at the ACE Conference Center in Lafayette Hill. Located approximately ten miles outside of Philadelphia, not far from many corporate offices in Conshohocken, the ACE Center is where Smeal EMBA students meet for their weekend classes.
Over 170 people were in attendance, including some special guests. These included Charles Whiteman, the freshly appointed Dean of Smeal, and Will Martin, the Overall Chairperson of this year’s THON. Also in attendance were the McCauleys, a family whose son, Lachlan, was treated for cancer at the Hershey Medical Center over five years ago and recently celebrated his fifth anniversary of being cancer-free.