Rady Appoints Rossen Valkanov as Inaugural Zable Endowed Chair in Management

Rossen Valkanov, a professor of finance at the Rady School of Management at UC San Diego, was appointed the inaugural recipient of the Zable Endowed Chair in Management Leadership. Established by Cubic Corporation founder Walter Zable and his wife, Betty, the Zable Endowed Chair supports faculty recruitment, teaching, and research activities. The goal is to support the creation of new models for management education at Rady.
In a recent news release from San Diego Metro, the Rady School Dean, Robert S. Sulivan spoke about the appointment. “The appointment of Rossen Valkanov as the inaugural Zable Endowed Chair in Management Leadership reflects his innovative approach to research, his commitment to management education and his contributions to the Rady School and the entire UC San Diego community,” he said.
Rossen Valkanov responded to his appointment, in a press release from the university. “I am honored to be chosen as the recipient of the Zable Endowed Chair,” he said. “The generous support of the Zable family will give me the opportunity to advance my research and teaching initiatives.”
The Zable Endowed Chair in Management was established thanks to a $6.05 million gift to UC San Diego from the Zables in 2013. $1 million of the gift was used to establish the chair at the Rady School, and another $1 million was used to create the Zable Endowed Chair in Energy Technologies at the Jacobs School of Engineering.
The Rady School of Management was ranked as the 1st in Intellectual Capital in Businessweek’s 2014 Full-Time MBA Ranking. Rady received this high ranking with faculty that help shape the economy and business industries with their research and work. By creating a reliable source of annual support for the academic and research efforts of distinguished faculty, endowed chairs are an integral part of the School’s ability to attract internationally recognized experts and leaders in their fields.