Real Humans of the SMU Cox School of Business

Morgan Schadegg, SMU Cox PMBA
Age: 27
Hometown: It’s a bit complex, but I spent the most time in Lawrence, Kansas.
Why business school? Why now? A few years after working as an engineer, I realized that I wanted to continue to move upwards. I thought about switching industries and getting higher-level positions, and it became apparent that I would need some business knowledge to make it to where I wanted to be.

Morgan Schadegg, SMU Cox PMBA
Why the SMU MBA program? What factors figured most prominently into your decision of where to attend? At first, I thought I would just take classes online. I spoke with everyone I could about pursuing an MBA, and I learned an on-campus experience would better meet my goals to strengthen my local Dallas-area professional network. The next piece of advice I received was that if I am looking to switch industries, I need to choose the school with the best network possible. From my research, it was evident that SMU Cox has that network, and that was ultimately a driving decision for me.
What do you think is your most valuable or differentiating contribution to your MBA class? Coming from the nuclear industry, I tend to have a very different perspective on problem solving. The industry has so many regulations and red tape surrounding the work that it has forced me to ensure I look deeper and really find the best solution. Having the strong technical background combined with a strategic thought process is where I believe I bring the most to my class.
Fun fact that didn’t get included on your application? If I’m not in school or at work, you’ll probably find me at Goodwill looking for a bargain. I thrift and resell clothes as a side-hustle.
Post-MBA career interests? I hope to be in a management role where I can use my strategic thinking to make a difference.
Advice to Prospective MBA Applicants
One thing you would absolutely do again as part of your application process? I went to info sessions at the schools I was looking at, and that played a huge role in helping me make my decision. I might not have made the same choice had I not done that, and I’m so glad I did.
One thing you would change or do differently? Study more for the GMAT! I can do calculus all day, but the simple math wasn’t something I was used to doing quickly and in my head. I wasn’t as prepared as I could have been.
Part you would have skipped if you could—and what helped you get through it? Again, the GMAT. My husband is going through the MBA program with me, and we were able to help support each other and get through the test. My best advice would be to start studying early (just do 1-2 questions per day), and remember the test can always be retaken. Don’t stress!
Greatest highlight so far at SMU Cox? The people. I can’t say enough about my classmates. I’ve made some great friends, and everyone is driven to succeed. I strive to do better just by being around them.
One thing about SMU Cox that you didn’t expect before arriving? I didn’t expect to enjoy the classes as much as I do. Engineering was hard to get through; it was hard to be interested in the subject matter when I felt as though I’d never have to use it again. I’ve taken something away from every class I’ve been in at Cox, and I can apply it right away to my work and life.
Thing you were most anxious about in your first year? I was extremely nervous about the workload and managing school plus a full-time job. It’s been tough, but I’ve learned great time-management skills, and it’s not as bad as I thought it would be.
Thing you were most excited about in your first year? I was most excited about getting to meet new people that had the same goals as I did. Everyone in class is there for a reason, and we are all so driven.