
Real Humans of the Miami Business School

Karol Olivero, Miami Business School MBA Class of 2020

Age: 24

Hometown: Valencia, Venezuela

Undergraduate Institution and Major: Bentley University – Bachelor of Science in Marketing

Pre-MBA Work Experience: I spent my working years in marketing. After finishing my Bachelor’s degree in Marketing, I worked in the marketing department at Mack Trucks Inc. where I was able to apply my skills into content development, sales, customer service, event planning and promotion & advertising strategies. I learned earned my Master’s in Marketing in Barcelona, Spain, where I was able to apply and gain marketing skills in the hospitality and wellness industries.

Karol Olivero, Miami Business School MBA Class of 2020

Why business school? Why now? I am an entrepreneur at heart and already have a project on my mind that I want to move forward. However, I felt that I was missing some more preparation in business management, so I thought an MBA would allow me to gain knowledge in every possible field I would need to understand how to manage my own company.

Why the Miami Business School MBA program? What factors figured most prominently into your decision of where to attend? Quality and results. UM has developed amazing programs over the years and the results have made their brand even stronger. I researched the faculty and the curriculum of the MBA program and felt that it was a great challenge to take on at this moment in my life. Miami is a very competitive city filled with many business professionals and opportunities. If you develop the right network, you will always have a door open, and the Miami Business School MBA allows you to do that.

What do you think is your most valuable or differentiating contribution to your MBA class? The amount of leadership programs I have completed. All classes require group work for assignments, and we are constantly rotating among teams. I feel fortunate to have had advanced experience managing different personality types within a group so I am able to get the most out of each of them in order to come back with great results.

Fun fact that didn’t get included on your application? I am a skincare lover! I have struggled with rosacea for a long time and bounced from one dermatologist to another with not much improvement. I recently decided to take control of it and stop relying on others, so aside from getting my MBA, I am involved in workshops to expand my knowledge on products and treatments. So far, it has worked great and I have learned so much about this industry.

Post-MBA career interests? I have developed a passion for the skincare industry and safe and clean products, hence Post–MBA I would love to move forward towards that industry. From marketing strategies to product development, I want to make an impact in today’s society by promoting clean and safer products.

Advice to Prospective MBA Applicants

One thing you would absolutely do again as part of your application process? I would let the recruiter know from the beginning that I am committed to being in this program. One of the things that scared me the most was my GMAT score not being as high as it should have been, so I had to be honest with my recruiter and find a way to prove that I deserved a spot at the MBA program regardless of my GMAT score. I insisted so much and I was very determined during my interview that I believe it showed the kind of person I am and the kind of experience and attitude I was going to bring in to the classroom.

One thing you would change or do differently? I would get more involved with on-campus activities and create stronger connections with my professors, as they are well known in their fields and in the city of Miami. This in turn opens many doors for when graduation comes and I am finally ready to get back in the work field.

Part you would have skipped if you could—and what helped you get through it? 100 percent the GMAT. It drove me crazy! I am so bad at taking standardized tests that I get so nervous. However, starting early, preparing with the right materials and completing constant mock tests improved my confidence when the test date arrived.

Greatest highlight so far at the Miami Business School? The city! Miami is a great place, it literally has everything you could think of. You get to meet all kinds of people, from different backgrounds and professions. There are far too many activities to do, places to visit, and amazing restaurants. It is a great hub for opportunities, so always be on the lookout.

One thing about the Miami Business School that you didn’t expect before arriving? The people! I am from Venezuela, so I really enjoy the prevalent Latin culture in Miami. However, I did not expect my cohort to be so diverse and to enjoy Latin culture as much as I do. I am lucky to be in such a great class!

Thing you were most anxious about in your first year? Not being able to manage my time properly. The program does require a lot of time and effort, and I feared that I was not going to be able to manage it properly.

Thing you were most excited about in your first year? Just getting started. I felt ready to be part of this new journey and to make the most out of it.


About the Author

Matthew Korman

Matthew Korman is a writer on MetroMBA. Since graduating from Rowan University with a degree in journalism and political science, Matthew has worked as a music industry writer and promoter, a data analyst, and with numerous academic institutions. His works have appeared in publications such as NPR and Sports Illustrated.

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