Register Now: NIU President Baker and Prominent Executives to Lead Panel Discussion

On February 13, Northern Illinois University President Douglas Baker will lead a panel discussion on the human side of change and innovation. The discussion will be help at NIU Naperville from 8am to 11am.
Joining President Baker on the panel are: Tom Simon, Senior Vice President of Talent Management, U.S. Foods; Audrey Southard, Senior Vice President of Business Process Reengineering, Follett Corporation; and Janet Viane, Vice President of Marketing Operations, Sears Holdings Corporation.
This panel of dynamic strategic leaders will relate their personal experiences leading large scale organizational change to create more adaptive and innovative organizations.
This event launches and is sponsored by the newly created NIU Center for Human Capital & Leadership, which provides a wide range of analytics and consulting services that are aimed at improving organizational effectiveness including: design, analysis, and reporting of employee engagement surveys; analytical models linking employee, customer, and financial data; Validation of selection and succession planning systems; development of workforce scorecards and dashboards; and process improvement and change management.
The Center for Human Capital & Leadership also offers open enrollment and customized training and development programs for emerging and experienced leaders in: business innovation, change management, strategic leadership, coaching for success, and career pathways.
The “Leading Change and Innovation” event is open to all NIU alumni, students, and friends. RSVPs are required due to limited space. To register, please click here.