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Jan 11, 2016

How Work Experience Helps Open MBA Doors

How Work Experience Helps Open MBA Doors

This post has been republished in its entirety from original source

With so many factors to consider when approaching business school, some candidates may not be fully prepared to address the question of work experience. Sure, GMAT scores and GPAs are key, but what’s so important about a résumé? Applying to business school isn’t the same as applying for a job. Or is it? Continue reading…

Dec 30, 2015

Wharton Professor Explores Importance of Workplace Culture

Wharton Professor Explores Importance of Workplace Culture

Adam Grant, professor of management and psychology at the Wharton School of Business, recently wrote an op-ed piece in the New York Times entitled, “The One Question You Should Ask About Every Job.”

Grant covers issues surrounding work, values and motivation for the paper.

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Sep 9, 2015

Does Working for the Family Business Hurt Your MBA Potential?

Does Working for the Family Business Hurt Your MBA Potential?

Family Business and the MBA

Working for the family business can be an incredibly rewarding and fulfilling experience. Building a family legacy through succession that will last for generations is the main goal of many family businesses. Continue reading…

Jul 30, 2015

Neeley Professor Releases Study on Communication Technology and Workplace Happiness

Neeley Professor Releases Study on Communication Technology  and Workplace Happiness

Recent advances in communication technology have made it possible for humans to be connected at all times, with family, friends, and companies. These developments are often lauded, but there is a negative side to the increase in connectivity. Continue reading…

Jun 9, 2015

Haas MBAs Work With Fellows to Drive Innovation

Haas MBAs Work With Fellows to Drive Innovation

Three MBA candidates at the Haas School of Business were recently given the opportunity to work with Gunso Kim, secretary general of the World eGovernment Organization of Cities and Local Governments, to try and develop a ride-sharing app like Uber or Lyft that would function in Seoul, South Korea. The project was highlighted in a recent press release from Haas looking at the fellows appointed by the Garwood Center for Corporate Innovation, of whom Kim is one. The Garwood Center promotes the open innovation idea that organizations should look both internally and externally to optimize innovation. Other fellows of the program include Dr. Mohi Ahmed, Todd Schofield, Ram Shanmugan and Philipp Skogstad. Continue reading…

Apr 17, 2015

Cass Entrepreneurs Network Event Focuses on “Unbundling the Bank”

Cass Entrepreneurs Network Event Focuses on “Unbundling the Bank”

The future significance of banks in society is in the hands of millenials, an audience at Cass Business School heard last week. Cass Entrepreneurs Network hosted a fintech event, entitled “Unbundling the Bank” on April 9th (in conjunction with Chinwag) to discuss disruption in the banking sector.

An expert panel, chaired by Ben Rooney (Co-Editor-in-Chief of tech news site Informilo), debated whether financial innovation is likely to be driven by the banks, start-ups, or through partnerships between them.

The panel agreed that the output of banks’ on-going digital transformation will depend on the extent to which they are seen as trusted by both millennials and, crucially, regulators.
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Mar 13, 2015

Anderson Hosts EMBA Info Session and App Tips Workshop

Anderson Hosts EMBA Info Session and App Tips Workshop

Anderson School of Management will be hosting an information session for its Executive MBA program. The information session will be followed by an application tips workshop for EMBA students. The events will be held April 4. The information session will be held from 8 to 9:30 a.m. and the application tips workshop will begin at 9:30 a.m. Registration for both events should be completed online prior to the events.

The EMBA information session will give prospective students the opportunity to join current EMBA students and the Director of Admissions for breakfast. The event will be held at the Executive Divining Room at UCLA Anderson. Prospective students will hear more about the EMBA program, admission process and what an Executive MBA degree from Anderson can do for your career.

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Feb 20, 2015

Schools in Houston Metro Area Become Haven for Energy Workers

Schools in Houston Metro Area Become Haven for Energy Workers

It’s undeniable that the energy sector all over the country is going through some changes. Last month 20,193 jobs were cut, according to the outplacement firm Challenger, Gray & Christmas, Inc.

While those numbers might seem glum, there is some hope on the horizon. It seems many of these refugees are headed for business schools to pursue MBA degrees. According to the Wall Street Journal, Rice University’s Jones Graduate School of Business and University of Texas at Austin’s McCombs School of Business have reported increases in applications for their two-year full-time MBA programs from energy-sector candidates.  Continue reading…

Feb 20, 2015

Should MBA Applicants Make a Campus Visit?

Should MBA Applicants Make a Campus Visit?

Making a campus visit to your target business school lets you kill two birds with one stone. You’re showing the Admissions Committee (adcom) your commitment to and interest in their particular program, which could score you points in the application process, and you’re doing yourself a priceless favor by seeing the institution firsthand. These visits can take place within several months of the deadline or the week of the deadline; but, ideally, apply having already made the visit rather than intending to make the visit. What you learn in the process could shape and inform your application more than you think. Continue reading…

Jul 16, 2014

San Fran State Offers M&A Workshop

San Fran State Offers M&A Workshop

The San Francisco State University College of Business is hosting an Innovations in Making Mergers and Acquisitions Workshop on Thursday, August 14, 2014. The program will be held at the San Francisco State University downtown campus, on the sixth floor.

Attendees will learn from experts and share insights with other attendees that are engaged in Marketing and Acquisitions programs. Program attendees will learn the human, cultural, and organizational factors that matter most in eventual M&A success, minimize employee distraction from performance during M&A and how to maximize commitment to the new organization, see how culture clash between parties can actually be used to enhance M&A performance, share your experiences with experienced M&A experts and others with similar issues and opportunities, apply lessons learned from the workshop directly to your M&A program and smartly manage integration planning and implementation to realize desired synergies and build a new organization that is truly more than the sum of its parts.

Continue reading…

Dec 13, 2013

Business Schools Should Think of Students As Customers, According to BU Dean

Business Schools Should Think of Students As Customers, According to BU Dean

When Kenneth W. Freeman became the Dean of the Boston University School of Management, a colleague told him that business school students are the university’s products. However, Dean Freeman believes that students are actually the university’s customers, as he recently explained in an article in Businessweek.

Business schools are facing decreases in the number of applications they receive and challenges from other models of business education. Potential students are questioning the return on investment from a business school education, since the economy is weak and the cost of tuition is increasing. Some employers are beginning to question the utility of a business school degree compared to other backgrounds. Dean Freeman believes that business schools will have to fundamentally alter the “customer experience” of management education to convince potential students and employers that an MBA is worth the investment.

Dean Freeman hopes that Boston University can transform itself to become more appealing to students using the core principle of transformation: “engage the entire organization in creating a memorable mission and translate it into an active strategy.” Freeman says that faculty members often perform outstanding individual work within business schools, but that they are not often mobilized to work to reshape the entire business school.

This is the 100th anniversary of the founding of Boston University’s School of Management, and the faculty have launched a transformation of the school’s undergraduate and graduate business curricula. Dean Freeman believes that transformation can be achieved through a focus on faculty members’ and students’ desires to make a difference in the world. Freeman envisions a curricula for Boston University that emphasizes the influence business can have on society and the development of innovative and ethical leadership. The faculty intends to make BU’s School of Management preeminant in sustainability, social enterprise, health and life sciences, and digital technology. Faculty have also worked to develop an ethical focus throughout the curriculum, and have implemented innovations in teaching and learning. Freeman believes that these factors appeal to the student as a customer: “We can best serve our student-customers by putting them at the center of an experience that moves outward from the classroom to the community and the world while taking value—in all its senses—into account.”

Sep 16, 2013

New Stern Center Hosts Discussion on Workplace Safety in Bangladesh

New Stern Center Hosts Discussion on Workplace Safety in Bangladesh

The new Center on Business and Human Rights at New York University’s Stern School of Business held its first major convening since its March 2013 opening. The conference focused on workplace safety in the garment industry of Bangladesh. Manufacturers, senior government officials from Bangladesh, US and European retailers, Western government officials, intergovernmental organizations, and experts came together to discuss potential improvements to the Bangladesh garment industry.

The topic of workplace safety in Bangladesh has been a major subject among representatives of the international garment industry and human rights experts after a series of devastating tragedies in Bangladeshi factories, including the collapse of the Rana Plaza Factory building which killed 1,129 people in April 2013 and a factory fire in Dhaka that killed over 100 people in November 2012.  The tragedies have brought major US and international retailers, like WalMart, Gap, American Apparel, and J.C. Penny under fire from some consumers and government officials for failing to ensure safety for workers in the factories that manufacture their clothing.

The representatives who gathered at Stern talked about the economics of sourcing between different organizations in the clothing supply chain, regulations for the garment industry, and the role of Western organizations in ensuring workplace safety abroad. The experts also discussed attempts by intergovernmental organizations, retailers, and the government to improve garment industry regulations in Bangladesh. The Center for Business and Human Rights will prepare a report on workplace safety and lead a follow-up meeting in Bangladesh in 2014.

The Center on Business and Human Rights prepares NYU business students to face human rights challenges that could affect the operations of their future companies. More broadly, the center also considers what companies should do to respect human rights in their operations, and studies what companies have successfully done to advance human rights. The Center on Business and Human Rights is the first human-rights oriented center at a business school.


May 22, 2013

Temple Hosts First TechConnect Idea to Invoice Workshop

Temple Hosts First TechConnect Idea to Invoice Workshop

On April 26, two dozen graduate students and faculty representing Temple University’s business, law, engineering and medical schools convened for the inaugural TechConnect Idea to Invoice Workshop.  The workshop, which was a joint effort of the Fox School’s Innovation and Entrepreneurship Institute and Temple’s Office of Technology Development, aimed to foster collaboration among students with different backgrounds through teamwork and to increase the number of successful business ideas that are conceived of and commercialized at the university.

The overarching goal of TechConnect is to educate innovators who lack a business background with the skills and knowledge they need to successfully pitch strong business plans to potential investors and research organizations. According to Assistant Professor Andrew Maxwell, “most technology developers, including those I have met at Temple, don’t understand the commercialization process and how market considerations should influence the technology development itself…You have to be able to look at business issues from the beginning.”

Event participants together introduced seven technologies they developed prior to the workshop. After discussing these ideas, four were selected to move beyond concept to a development phase. To apply their newly acquired business acumen, students discussed the value propositions, potential growth plans and go-to-market strategies of these proposed ideas. Following the workshop, some of the more promising teams started to complete feasibility studies and draft grant applications.

The next TechConnect is tentatively scheduled for the last week in August.

Jan 18, 2024

Georgetown University’s McDonough School of Business Q&A with M.S. in Environment and Sustainability Management Program Director, Dr. Kerrie Carfagno

Georgetown University’s McDonough School of Business Q&A with M.S. in Environment and Sustainability Management Program Director, Dr. Kerrie Carfagno

Dr. Kerrie Carfagno, the Program Director for the M.S. in Environment and Sustainability Management at Georgetown McDonough, recently sat down with MetroMBA to share insight into the M.S. Program.

MetroMBA: How does this program differentiate from other offerings at your school and other programs in the GME space?

Georgetown McDonough Environment Sustainability

Dr. Kerrie Carfagno, Program Director MS-ESM

Dr. Carfagno: The M.S. in Environment and Sustainability Management (MS-ESM) program is a STEM designated interdisciplinary degree offered through the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, Earth Commons Institute, and McDonough School of Business at Georgetown University. This interdisciplinary approach provides a unique curriculum that combines the principles of environmental science with a foundation in business management. Our program operates on a cohort model, meaning students learn from each other and their professors as they complete the 11-month program in the same classes on campus. A unique attribute about our program is the cohort tends to skew more female with 80% of the current cohort identifying as such.

MetroMBA: What is the typical profile of a student who would benefit most from this program and what characteristics are your admissions team looking for?

Dr. Carfagno: We take a holistic approach when reviewing applications for admission to MS-ESM. We look for students who are eager to learn and make a positive impact, have a passion for sustainability and the environment, and a collaborative mindset that embodies the Georgetown spirit. Typical students who benefit most from this program tend to fall under three categories: recent graduates, career changers, and life-long learners. Recent graduates have a strong interest and academic background in either natural sciences or business. They are looking to develop their skills in the environment and sustainability management space further before entering the workforce. Students that fall into the career changers category are looking to switch from their current industry to sustainable management. And finally, life-long learners are those who currently work in a position related to sustainability and want to continue their education to be industry leaders in the field.

MetroMBA: What types of financial aid are available to students?

Dr. Carfagno: The MS-ESM program provides partial, merit-based scholarships to qualified candidates. While the scholarships do not fully fund the program, they do provide partial tuition coverage assistance. All students are automatically considered for the partial, merit-based scholarships at the time of their application submission.

Additionally, as a stem-designated masters program, there are plenty of outside funding opportunities students can pursue as well.

MetroMBA: How does your school assist in finding job opportunities and how does your program enhance a student’s profile as a job applicant?

Dr. Carfagno: The MS-ESM degree furthers one’s knowledge of sustainability and combines principles of environmental science with a foundation in business management, which can help prepare one for a variety of jobs within most industries. Throughout the program, students have the opportunity to work with a career management professional. Students work directly with the Assistant Director of MS-ESM Career Management to identify career paths, discuss career goals and receive career coaching to elevate networking and interviewing methods. Students have exclusive access to one-on-one career coaching appointments, workshops and career sessions tailored to support them in developing an effective job search strategy. They may also access many resources at the Graduate Career Center within the Graduate School of Arts & Sciences, as well as attend select career events offered through the McDonough School of Business Career Center.

MetroMBA: What is one insider tip you can provide prospective applicants about applying to this program?

Dr. Carfagno:  An insider tip when applying to this program would be to make sure your passion for environment and sustainability shows through in your application. We are interested in knowing where your passion for the field stems from and how you will help bring about change to help solve the pressing environmental issues affecting our world today.


Lightning Round

What is one restaurant every student must visit and why?
The Tombs is a classic in the Georgetown neighborhood. It’s delicious and they have great deals throughout the week. Georgetown students love to spend time there after classes and on the weekends.

Where is the best cup of coffee on campus?
The best cup of coffee on campus can be found in our library at Midnight Mug. The Midnight Mug is a community space and coffeehouse where students can take a break from studying and hang out with friends and professors in a relaxed atmosphere.

What is the best ‘hidden secret’ on campus?
The best ‘hidden secret’ on campus would be the Heyden Observatory and gardens. The observatory is one of two Georgetown buildings included in the national register of historic places in the United States. It’s a beautiful space where you have fantastic views of DC and the overall campus.

Read more about the Georgetown MS-ESM here.

Sep 20, 2023

Demystifying MBA Costs: How Much Does an MBA Program Really Cost?

Demystifying MBA Costs: How Much Does an MBA Program Really Cost?

Are you considering pursuing an MBA but concerned about the financial commitment it entails? The cost of an MBA program is a crucial factor to consider, and in this article, we’ll provide you with a comprehensive breakdown of MBA costs, including tuition, fees, and potential hidden expenses. By the end of this guide, you’ll have a clearer understanding of what to expect and how to plan for your MBA journey.

Understanding MBA Tuition

The largest chunk of your MBA expenses will be tuition fees. The cost of tuition can vary significantly depending on the school, location, and program type (full-time, part-time, online, or executive). On average, top-tier MBA programs in the United States can cost anywhere from $100,000 to $200,000 or more. However, there are also more affordable options available, including part-time and online MBA programs that can cost significantly less.

Additional Fees

In addition to tuition, MBA programs often have various fees that you should be aware of. These may include:

  1. Application Fees: When applying to MBA programs, you’ll typically need to pay application fees, which can range from $50 to $200 per school.
  2. Books and Course Materials: Don’t forget to budget for textbooks and other course materials, which can add up to a few thousand dollars over the duration of your program.
  3. Housing and Living Expenses: If you’re attending an on-campus program or relocating for your studies, you’ll need to factor in housing and living costs, which can vary widely based on location.
  4. Health Insurance: Some MBA programs require students to have health insurance, and this cost should be considered.
  5. Extracurricular Activities: While not mandatory, participating in clubs, conferences, and networking events may incur additional costs.

Financial Aid and Scholarships

The good news is that there are various financial aid options available to help offset MBA costs. Many universities offer scholarships, grants, and assistantships to qualified students. Additionally, federal and private student loans are options to consider, although it’s important to be mindful of the long-term financial implications.

ROI and Career Opportunities

While the upfront cost of an MBA can be significant, it’s essential to evaluate the return on investment (ROI) and long-term career opportunities it can offer. Many MBA graduates experience substantial salary increases and accelerated career growth, which can outweigh the initial expenses.

Budgeting and Planning

To manage MBA costs effectively, create a detailed budget that accounts for tuition, fees, living expenses, and any potential debt repayment. Consider your own financial situation and explore financing options such as employer sponsorship or part-time work while studying.


In conclusion, the cost of an MBA program varies widely, but it’s an investment in your future that can lead to substantial career benefits. By understanding the breakdown of MBA costs and planning strategically, you can make an informed decision that aligns with your career goals and financial circumstances. Remember to research individual programs, explore financial aid opportunities, and budget wisely to make the most of your MBA journey.

Sep 20, 2023

MBA Program Comparison: Full-Time vs. Online MBA Programs

MBA Program Comparison: Full-Time vs. Online MBA Programs

Pursuing a Master of Business Administration (MBA) is a pivotal milestone in your professional journey, but the path you choose can dramatically affect your experience. At MetroMBA, we understand the importance of this decision, which is why we’re here to provide you with an in-depth MBA program comparison, focusing on the key distinctions between full-time and online MBA programs. Let’s explore these options in detail, so you can make an informed choice.

Flexibility and Convenience

Full-Time MBA Programs:

  • Full-time MBA programs demand your full attention, making them ideal if you’re committed to an immersive on-campus experience.
  • These programs follow a fixed schedule, often requiring you to be on-site, which may necessitate relocation.
  • Suited for those who can dedicate themselves entirely to their studies and embrace the traditional campus atmosphere.

Online MBA Programs:

  • Flexibility is the hallmark of online MBA programs, allowing you to set the pace while balancing work, family, and education.
  • Geography becomes irrelevant as online programs enable participation from anywhere in the world, making them a stellar choice for those unable to relocate.
  • With the freedom to choose when and where you study, online MBA programs cater to professionals seeking to advance their careers without sacrificing their current roles.

Networking Opportunities

Online MBA Programs:

  • Online programs offer unique networking opportunities through virtual discussion boards, forums, and video conferencing, connecting you with peers and faculty.
  • These programs often foster a diverse global network, providing a broader spectrum of perspectives.

Full-Time MBA Programs:

  • Full-time MBA programs excel in providing extensive in-person networking opportunities through classroom interactions, collaborative group projects, and immersive extracurricular activities.
  • On-campus events, career fairs, and robust alumni networks play pivotal roles in securing internships and job opportunities.


Online MBA Programs:

  • Online programs are typically more cost-effective than full-time MBA programs due to lower tuition fees and reduced expenses related to housing and commuting.
  • The option to continue working while pursuing an online MBA can be a significant financial advantage.

Full-Time MBA Programs:

  • Full-time MBA programs often come with higher tuition fees and living expenses. However, they may counterbalance this through more substantial financial aid opportunities, scholarships, and assistantships.
  • Consider the opportunity cost of not working during a full-time MBA program when evaluating the overall expenses.

Learning Experience

Online MBA Programs:

  • Success in online programs depends on your self-discipline and motivation, with effective time management being paramount.
  • Learning materials are available 24/7, offering the flexibility to study at your convenience.
  • Some students may find the absence of face-to-face interactions with professors and peers challenging.

Full-Time MBA Programs:

  • Full-time programs offer a structured, classroom-based learning experience with direct access to professors.
  • In-person classes cultivate vibrant discussions, provide immediate feedback, and create a collaborative learning atmosphere.
  • Immersive experiences, such as internships and consulting projects, often form integral components of full-time MBA programs.

When it comes to choosing an MBA program, deciding between full-time and online options is a pivotal step in your academic and professional journey. MetroMBA understands that your decision should align with your unique circumstances, career aspirations, and learning preferences. Online programs offer flexibility and affordability, catering to working professionals and individuals with family commitments. Conversely, full-time MBA programs provide unmatched in-person networking opportunities and traditional campus-based education for those seeking an immersive experience.

As you make your MBA program comparison, consider your capacity for full-time study, your desire for in-person networking, and your budget. Both full-time and online MBA programs offer valuable paths to a prosperous business career, and MetroMBA is here to guide you.

Apr 21, 2023

Master of Science in Product Management

Carnegie Mellon Full-Time Master of Science in Product Management

The Carnegie Mellon Master of Science in Product Management is a jointly housed program at Carnegie Mellon University’s Tepper School of Business and School of Computer Science.

There’s a pressing need for product managers who have the skills to lead product development that drives growth — product managers who:
– Empathize with customers
– Lead cross-functional teams
– Deliver business value

The MS in Product Management is designed to train students in this rare blend of skills. Offered through the top-ranked School of Computer Science and Tepper School of Business, this one-year, STEM-designated program combines the best of both schools. The program begins in January and ends in December.


The MS in Product Management curriculum is designed to provide the skills most desired by employers of product managers: business, technology, design, and leadership. Each mini semester, students take core classes and electives within Carnegie Mellon’s Tepper School of Business and School of Computer Science. They also gain hands-on experience through a summer internship and a fall capstone project with a corporate partner.

Class Profile

This program has 51 current students with an average age of 30 years old.  The program has a slight majority of female students compared to male (53%/47%) and the average work experience is 6.6 years.  The average undergraduate GPA of current students is 3.51 and the average GMAT score range is 620-760.  The average GRE score is 323.

Tuition and Financial Aid

The Carnegie Mellon Tepper Master of Science in Product Management has a tuition cost of $72,864 per year and a total cost of attendance listed at $110,200.
Carnegie Mellon’s Financial Aid Office supports the school’s goal of enrolling and graduating a diverse group of top-qualified students by facilitating the financial aid process and by serving as an educational resource to prospective and current students. The Tepper School participates in the Yellow Ribbon Program, which assists in meeting the tuition cost difference above the amount provided by the GI Bill.

Scholarships are awarded to MSPM candidates who exhibit a high degree of potential for success in the program and their careers.  Partial scholarships may be awarded to all MSPM candidates. Candidates are considered for a scholarship at the point of admission, are notified at the time of admission, and are not required to provide additional information unless noted below. This applies to U.S. citizens, U.S. permanent residents, and international candidates.


The following must be included in the Carnegie Mellon Tepper Master of Science in Product Management application:

• An online application form
• Current resume
• Required Essays
• Two professional recommendations
• Unofficial transcripts of all academic work
• Official GMAT score or GRE (*test waivers also available)
• Official TOEFL, IELTS or Duolingo test score (if applicable)
• $125 Application fee

* If you wish to apply for a GMAT/GRE waiver, you must submit a letter to the admissions committee (via an upload in your application) that addresses the following:
– Please discuss your undergraduate GPA scores and any other degree GPA. For a waiver to be granted we are only seeking those with exceptionally high GPA achievement.
– Please also share any remarkable academic achievements we should be aware of.
– Please share with us if you have an advanced master’s degree. Is it in a STEM-related area? Are there particular courses that demonstrate your capability in succeeding in the MSPM curriculum?
– Please share if you have recognized certification in product management, e.g. ISPMA, Pragmatic Institute, AIPMM, Certified Scrum Product Owner, Certified Product Manager (280 Group), Certified Innovation Leader Credential, ProductSchool, Black Bolt Product Management, etc.

Application deadlines are as follows:

Round One – June 4, 2023
Round Two
– July 9, 2023
Round Three – August 13, 2023

Nov 18, 2022

Wharton 2022-2023 Full-Time MBA: Application Deadlines, Interview, and Notification Dates

Wharton 2022-2023 Full-Time MBA: Application Deadlines, Interview, and Notification Dates

We have provided applicants with a complete breakdown of the Wharton MBA 2022-2023 deadline, interview and notification dates.

Wharton 2022-2023 Full-Time MBA Application Deadlines

Application Round Application Deadline Interview Invites Final Notification
Round 1 Sept. 7, 2022 Oct. 25, 2022 Dec. 15, 2022
Round 2 Jan. 4, 2023 Feb. 17, 2023 Mar. 23, 2023
Round 3 Mar. 29, 2023 Apr. 13, 2023 May. 10, 2023
Applications should be submitted by 5:00 PM Eastern Standard Time (US).

When to Apply to the Wharton MBA

Below is an outline of the recommended timeline to apply to Wharton depending on if you are a first-time applicant, a reapplicant, or applying to a specific program.

First-time Applicants Wharton encourages you to apply to in Round 1 or 2.  Space in the class becomes more limited for Round 3 applicants, resulting in a more competitive round.
Submatriculation applicants You should apply in Round 3 so that a more complete academic record is available.
Reapplicants Wharton strongly encourages you to apply during Round 1 or 2.  
International Student If you need to apply for a student visa to study in the United States, Wharton recommends that you apply in Round 1 or 2. For advice and guidelines, see the International Students section in What You Need to Apply.
Application Round Submit your application by … We will notify you …
Round 1 07 September 2022 15 December 2022
Round 2 04 January 2023 23 March 2023
Round 3 29 March 2023 10 May 2023

Highlights of the Wharton Full-Time MBA 2024 Class

If you are researching programs and deciding on where to apply, it is important to understand where you stack up against the competition. Below are important metrics for the Wharton Full-Time MBA.

Category Statistics
Total Applications 6,319
Enrolled Students 877
Average GMAT/GRE 733/324
Average GPA 3.6
Average Years of Work Experience 5 years
Class Split 50% female, 35% international, 36% U.S. students of color

MBA Checklist for the Wharton Full-Time MBA

Additional Resources

  1. To learn about other applicants applying to the Wharton Full-Time MBA, check out the Wharton MBA LiveWire via Clear Admit, the leading independent resource for top-tier MBA applicants. MBA LiveWire is a social forum for applicants to share their journey throughout the admissions process.
  2. The application process can be overwhelming, fortunately you can view FAQ, Essay Topic Analysis, Interview Reports and much more via Clear Admit’s Wharton in-depth school profile here.
  3. To research more information about program cost, financial aid and curriculum, check out the Wharton full-time MBA snapshot here.


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